Top 8 facts about Jimmy Kimme

Lindsey Graham Saves Biden’s big day – 2022

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The South Carolina Republican surprised inflation-loving Democrats.

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A higher-than-expected inflation figure threatened to overshadow President Biden's celebration of price-cutting legislation.

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The market crash seemed to guarantee a head-to-wall day in the White House.

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Then Lindsey Graham provided a comfortable landing. South Carolina's 15-week abortion ban quickly divided Republicans

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One White House aide said a Republican lobbyist quipped that Graham was working for the Biden administration because of the bill's timing. 

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Graham's measure would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy and let states to implement more stringent laws.

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Its rapid response was a microcosm of how abortion politics has upended the midterm sprint.

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The more Biden said the bill would assist the economy, the more markets fell.