Software Testing: Why Shift Testing Left Part 2: QA Does More After Devs Run Tests

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software testing: Why Shift Testing Left Part 2: QA Does More After Devs Run Tests
software testing: Why Shift Testing Left Part 2: QA Does More After Devs Run Tests (Image via Pixabay)

Date: May 18, 2024

In our previous article, we discussed the concept of shifting testing left in the software development lifecycle. Today, we delve deeper into why the role of Quality Assurance (QA) becomes even more crucial after developers run tests.

Traditionally, the responsibility of testing software fell solely on the shoulders of QA teams towards the end of the development process. However, with the shift-left approach gaining popularity, developers are now taking on more testing responsibilities. But this doesn’t mean QA’s role diminishes; in fact, it becomes more significant.

Once developers run their tests, it is the QA team’s turn to step in and conduct further testing. This additional layer of testing serves several important purposes. Firstly, it helps identify any bugs or issues that may have been missed during the initial developer testing phase. QA professionals bring a fresh perspective and can often uncover hidden defects that developers might overlook.

Furthermore, QA teams play a crucial role in ensuring compatibility across different platforms and environments. They conduct extensive testing on various devices, operating systems, and browsers to ensure that the software functions seamlessly for end-users. This level of compatibility testing is essential in today’s era of diverse technology landscapes.

Moreover, QA professionals focus on user-centric testing. They simulate real-world scenarios and user interactions to validate the software’s usability and functionality. By conducting rigorous user acceptance testing (UAT), QA teams ensure that the software meets the needs and expectations of the end-users.

Another vital aspect of QA’s role after developers run tests is performance testing. QA engineers assess how the software performs under different workloads and stress conditions. They identify bottlenecks, optimize performance, and ensure that the software can handle the expected user load without any issues.

Security testing also falls under the purview of QA. They assess the software’s vulnerability to potential security threats, perform penetration testing, and ensure that appropriate security measures are in place. This helps in safeguarding sensitive user data and maintaining the integrity of the software.

In addition to these technical aspects, QA teams also focus on ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. They conduct thorough audits and checks to ensure that the software meets all necessary guidelines and requirements.

Overall, the shift-left approach in testing doesn’t diminish the role of QA; it enhances it. QA professionals bring their expertise, attention to detail, and user-centric approach to the table. They perform a variety of tests, including compatibility testing, user acceptance testing, performance testing, security testing, and compliance testing. By doing so, they ensure that the software is of high quality, meets user expectations, and functions optimally across different platforms and environments.

In conclusion, the role of QA becomes even more critical after developers run tests in the shift-left approach. QA professionals play a crucial role in identifying bugs, ensuring compatibility, validating usability, optimizing performance, enhancing security, and maintaining compliance. Their expertise contributes to the overall quality and success of the software.

Note: This article aims to shed light on the importance of QA’s role after developers run tests. The information presented is based on industry practices and trends at the time of writing. It is always recommended to consult with professionals in the field for specific guidance and advice.


Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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