Understanding User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

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In this article we will see what is UAT, Types, Steps, Performing UAT, UAT Timeline, checklist, Templates, test cases, Testing before UAT, Test scenarios etc.

Are you a software tester who is looking to gain a better understanding of User Acceptance Testing (UAT)? If so, you’ve come to the right place! UAT plays an important role in revealing possible problems with program functions or user interfaces that could have been overlooked during earlier stages of testing.

By familiarizing yourself with the basics of UAT, you’ll be able to identify potential issues before releasing any product and ensure its quality. In this blog post, we’ll explore what UAT is, why it’s valuable, best practices for running tests successfully – and much more! Read on to discover all you need to know about getting started with User Acceptance Testing.

What is user acceptance testing?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), also known as Beta or End-User Testing, is the final phase in the software development process before the software or application is released to the market. In this phase, the actual users of the software test the application in a real-world environment to verify whether it meets their requirements and can perform the tasks it was designed for effectively.

Hooray! You’ve just stumbled upon one of the most exciting aspects of software development – User Acceptance Testing, or UAT for short. Now, let’s embark on a playful journey to understand what it is all about.

  1. The Curtain Raiser: Imagine you’re at a grand theater, and the play is about to start. But before the curtain rises, there’s a rehearsal. That’s exactly what UAT is in the world of software development. It’s the final rehearsal before the software goes live, ensuring everything works perfectly when the spotlight is on.
  2. The User’s Stage: In UAT, the users are the stars! They get to test the software in a real-world scenario. It’s like giving them a chance to walk around the set, interact with the props, and see if everything feels right before the actual performance.
  3. The Plot Check: During UAT, users follow a storyline (known as a use case) to ensure each scene unfolds as it should. If any scene doesn’t play out as expected, the curtain doesn’t rise. The software doesn’t go live until everything falls into place.
  4. The Finale: And finally, when users give their applause (or approval), we know the software is ready to take the stage. It’s time for the actual performance to begin!
So there you have it, folks! UAT in a nutshell. It’s not just about finding bugs, it’s about delivering a performance that gets a standing ovation from the users! Now, who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

Types of acceptance testing

Acceptance testing is a critical step in the software development lifecycle, providing a final check before a product is released to the general public. It aims to ensure that a software system meets all necessary requirements and performs its intended functions under real-world conditions. There are different types of acceptance testing, each with its unique purpose and focus.

These include:

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT)
  • Contract or Regulation Acceptance Testing
  • Alpha and Beta Testing.

Each of these types plays an essential role in delivering a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly software product.

What are the 4 types of acceptance testing?

It’s like the final dress rehearsal before the big software performance. There are four main characters in our play:

  1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): The superstar of the show! This is where real users come on stage and test the software to see if it can perform its tricks in the real world. They’re looking for a standing ovation in functionality, usability, and compatibility.
  2. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT): The behind-the-scenes hero. OAT ensures all the props are in place – system stability, data backups, and security features. It’s performed by the backstage crew (systems administrators) to make sure the software is ready for the grand opening night.
  3. Contract or Regulation Acceptance Testing: The strict director making sure everyone knows their lines. This form of testing ensures the software sticks to the script, meeting all contractual specifications and regulations. No improvisation allowed here!
  4. Alpha and Beta Testing: The sneak previews before the grand release. Alpha testing is the dress rehearsal, conducted by a select group within the organization. Beta testing is the first public performance, with a limited audience providing valuable feedback for those last-minute tweaks.

So there you have it – the cast of characters in the acceptance testing theater. Each one has a critical role in ensuring the software steals the show when it’s finally time for the curtain to rise!

UAT in agile

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in Agile is like the grand finale of a fireworks show. It’s the last testing phase in the Agile development process, where actual users step into the spotlight to make sure the software is ready for its big debut.

In the Agile world, UAT is a collaborative and iterative process. As each sprint delivers a working piece of software, users get to test and provide feedback in real-time. This isn’t just a one-time show at the end. Instead, it’s a series of performances throughout the development process, which means any bugs or issues can be addressed while the solution is still being shaped.

The goal? To ensure the software not only meets its technical requirements but also performs seamlessly and intuitively in the hands of the end-users – the people who will be using it every day. It’s all about making sure the software is not just fit for use, but fit for purpose. So when it’s finally time for the software to take center stage, it’s ready to wow the audience!

What is UAT testing in agile?

This isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill testing phase. Oh no, it’s far more exciting than that! Let’s break it down:

  • The Main Event: UAT is the grand finale of the Agile development process. It’s the moment when real users get their hands on the software to see if it’s ready for the big leagues.
  • A Team Sport: In Agile, UAT isn’t a solo act. It’s a collaborative effort that involves the whole team – from developers and testers to business stakeholders and end-users.
  • Rolling Performances: Unlike traditional methods where UAT is a one-time show at the end, Agile treats it like a series of mini-performances throughout the development process. After each sprint, a new piece of software is tested and feedback is gathered.
  • Spotlight on Usability: The spotlight in UAT is firmly on usability. Can the users navigate the software without a hitch? Does it meet their needs and expectations? If not, it’s back to the drawing board!
  • The Final Applause: The goal of UAT in Agile is to ensure the software is not just technically sound but also user-friendly and fit for purpose. It’s all about getting that standing ovation from the users when the software finally makes its debut.

So, that’s the magic of UAT in Agile. It’s a thrilling ride that keeps everyone on their toes until the very end!

UAT Process

Roll up, roll up! Welcome to the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process, a thrilling adventure where software is put through its paces before it’s unleashed into the real world.

This is the grand finale of the testing process, where we ensure the software not only meets technical requirements but also fits the needs and expectations of the end-users. It’s a blend of planning, designing test cases, setting up the environment, executing tests, logging defects, fixing and retesting, and the final sign-off. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into each stage in this exciting journey!

Steps in UAT testing

  1. Planning: We kick off our adventure by planning our route. We identify our brave testers (the end users), map out the testing strategy, and pick our tools and methods.
  2. Designing Test Cases: Next, we design our rollercoaster – the test cases. Based on real-world scenarios, these are the exciting highs and lows our software will navigate.
  3. Setting up the Environment: Now, we build our theme park – the testing environment. This is where all the fun happens!
  4. Executing Tests: The ride begins! Our software hops on the rollercoaster and we watch with bated breath as it tackles each test case.
  5. Logging Defects: Any bumps or hiccups on the ride? We log them down for our maintenance crew (the developers) to fix.
  6. Fixing and Retesting: The developers spring into action, smoothing out the bumps. Then, it’s back on the ride for another round of testing.
  7. Sign-off: If our software completes the ride without a hitch, it’s time for the grand finale – the sign-off from the stakeholders. Applause, please!

And there you have it, folks – the exhilarating journey of UAT, ensuring our software is not just ready, but show-stoppingly spectacular for its real-world debut!

How many steps are there for UAT testing?

There are typically seven steps involved in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process:

  1. Planning
  2. Designing Test Cases
  3. Setting up the Testing Environment
  4. Executing Tests
  5. Logging Defects
  6. Fixing and Retesting
  7. Sign-off

Each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that the software or application meets the end users’ needs and expectations.


Performing UAT

Here’s a playful take on how you can perform UAT:

  1. Gather Your Tools: Like a superhero gearing up, the first step is to gather all the tools you’ll need for your epic adventure. This includes the software to be tested, the test environment, and the test cases.
  2. Assemble Your Team: Next, you’ll need a team of fearless end users who will put the software through its paces. These are the true heroes of our story!
  3. Embark on the Adventure: With your team and tools in place, it’s time to dive into the action! Execute the test cases and navigate the twists and turns of the software.
  4. Record Your Journey: As you journey through the software, document any bugs or issues that arise. These are your villains, and they’ll need to be defeated before you can claim victory.
  5. Defeat the Villains: Once you’ve identified the villains (bugs), it’s time to call in the reinforcements – your developers. They’ll swoop in to fix the issues and save the day.
  6. Victory Lap: With the villains vanquished, it’s time for a victory lap. Retest the software to ensure all bugs have been squashed and everything runs smoothly.
  7. Celebrate: If all goes well, the final step is to celebrate a successful mission! Get sign-off from the stakeholders and prepare to deploy your software to the real world.

Remember, every epic adventure has twists and turns, and UAT is no different. But with careful planning, a strong team, and a bit of courage, you’ll be sure to succeed. Good luck!

How should user acceptance testing be performed?

Performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical part of the software development process. It’s the final check to ensure that the software meets the end users’ needs and expectations before it’s released into the wild. Here are the steps on how to perform UAT:

  1. Planning: Start by identifying the key stakeholders who will be involved in the testing process. This usually includes end users, business analysts, and quality assurance teams. Define the scope of testing, select the right tools, and establish a timeline.
  2. Designing Test Cases: Create test cases based on real-world scenarios that the software will encounter. These should cover all the functionalities of the system. The test cases should be reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.
  3. Setting up the Testing Environment: Create a testing environment that closely mimics the real-world conditions in which the software will be used. This environment should be separate from the development and production environments.
  4. Executing Tests: Execute the test cases in the testing environment. The testers should act as if they’re the end users, using the system under realistic conditions.
  5. Logging Defects: Any issues or bugs that are identified during testing should be logged. The details of the defect, including the steps to reproduce it, should be recorded for the development team.
  6. Fixing and Retesting: The development team should fix the logged defects, after which the testers retest the system to ensure that the fixes have been implemented correctly and no new issues have been introduced.
  7. Sign-off: Once all the defects have been fixed and the system is working as expected, the stakeholders sign off on the UAT. This is the final approval that the system is ready to be released.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to ensure that the software works for the user. If it doesn’t meet the users’ needs, it’s back to the drawing board!

UAT timeline

The timeline for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) can vary greatly depending on the scope and complexity of the project, as well as the number of defects found during testing. However, a general outline of a UAT timeline might look like this:

  1. Planning (1-2 weeks): During this phase, you’ll identify key stakeholders, define the scope of testing, select testing tools, and establish a timeline.
  2. Designing Test Cases (1-2 weeks): This involves creating test cases based on real-world scenarios that the software will encounter. These test cases should cover all functionalities of the system.
  3. Setting up the Testing Environment (1 week): The testing environment should closely mimic the conditions in which the software will be used.
  4. Executing Tests (2-4 weeks): The length of this phase can vary greatly depending on the number of test cases and the complexity of the software.
  5. Logging Defects (ongoing): This happens concurrently with test execution. Any issues or bugs identified are logged for review.
  6. Fixing and Retesting (1-2 weeks): Once defects have been logged, they’re passed to the development team for fixing. The software is then retested to ensure the fixes have been implemented correctly.
  7. Sign-off (1 day): Once all defects have been addressed and the software is working as expected, the stakeholders give their final approval.

This is a rough estimate and actual timelines can vary. For larger, more complex projects, each of these stages may take longer. It’s also important to build in buffer time for unexpected delays or issues.

How many days is UAT testing?

The duration of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the software project. However, on average, UAT is often scheduled for a period of two to four weeks.

This time frame allows for:

  1. Test Planning and Design: This involves creating and reviewing test cases, which usually takes a few days to a week.
  2. Test Execution: The actual testing phase where end users or testers start executing the test cases. This could take one to two weeks, depending on the number of test cases and complexity of the software.
  3. Defect Fixing and Retesting: Once defects are identified and fixed by the development team, the corrected software needs to be retested. This could add another week to the timeline.
  4. Sign-off: Finally, once all defects are addressed, and the software meets business requirements, stakeholders can sign off on the UAT, indicating that the software is ready for live deployment.

Remember, these are just estimates, and actual timelines can vary based on many factors. It’s essential to have a flexible schedule to accommodate any unexpected issues or delays that may arise during testing.

UAT vs Other Forms of Testing

Testing TypePerformed ByPurposeWhen it’s Done
System Integration Testing (SIT)TestersTo check if various system components can work together and detect interface defects.During the testing phase, before UAT.
Quality Assurance Testing (QAT)QA teamTo ensure the product meets the specified requirements and standards. It’s a preventive process.It starts at the beginning of the project and continues throughout.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)End-users or ClientsTo validate the functionality of the system and ensure it meets the specified requirements.At the end of the whole testing process when the product is ready for delivery.


Sure, here’s a more detailed comparison:

Testing TypePerformed ByPurposeWhen it’s DoneAdditional Information
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)End Users or Business RepresentativesUAT is performed to ensure that the system meets the specified business requirements and can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications.UAT is typically the final test conducted before the product is ready for release or deployment.UAT is often carried out using real-world scenarios and data. It aims to validate the end-to-end business flow. It’s not uncommon for UAT to result in changes to the system, as users might uncover functional gaps.
Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT)Customers or Client RepresentativesCAT is performed to ensure that the delivered product meets the customer’s requirements and works as expected in the live environment. It’s more about confirming the overall satisfaction of the customer with the final product.CAT is typically done after UAT, and right before the product is handed over to the customer for their use.CAT is often seen as the final gate before product delivery. Its success depends on how well the system satisfies the user’s needs in the live environment. If the product fails at this stage, it’s usually sent back for improvement.

Again, please note that the terms UAT and CAT are sometimes used interchangeably. The exact definitions and responsibilities may vary depending on the specific context or organization.

What is the difference between cat and UAT?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

  • Performed by end users or business representatives.
  • UAT is conducted to ensure that the system meets the specific business requirements and can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications.
  • It’s typically the final test conducted before the product is ready for release or deployment.
  • The main focus of UAT is to validate the end-to-end business flow and be confident that the system will work as expected when it goes live.
  • UAT often results in changes to the system if users uncover functional gaps.

Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT):

  • Performed by customers or client representatives.
  • CAT is conducted to ensure that the delivered product meets the customer’s requirements and works as expected in the live environment.
  • It’s typically done after UAT, and right before the product is handed over to the customer for their use.
  • The main focus of CAT is to confirm the overall satisfaction of the customer with the final product.
  • If the product fails at this stage, it’s usually sent back for improvements or modifications.


Sure, here’s a comparison of Quality Assurance (QA) Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in tabular form:

Testing TypePerformed ByPurposeWhen it’s Done
Quality Assurance Testing (QA)QA Engineers or TestersQA testing is performed to ensure that the system meets specified requirements and to identify any bugs or issues before the product goes to UAT. It’s about ensuring the quality of the software.QA testing is typically done during the development phase, after unit testing and integration testing but before UAT.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)End Users or Business RepresentativesUAT is performed to validate whether the system or application meets the business requirements and can handle tasks in real-world scenarios according to specifications. It ensures that the software can provide the necessary functionality for end users’ operations.UAT is typically the final test conducted before the product is ready for release or deployment.

Please note that the exact definitions and responsibilities may vary depending on the specific context or organization.

What is QA vs UAT testing?

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) are two different stages of the software testing process. They serve distinct purposes, are conducted by different individuals, and occur at different times in the development lifecycle. Also there is difference between UAT and other testing approches in agile we have discussed.

Here’s a brief comparison:

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing:

  • Conducted by QA engineers or testers.
  • Occurs during the software development phase, after unit and integration testing.
  • The goal is to identify and fix bugs or issues before the software reaches the user. It ensures the system meets specified requirements and functions as intended.
  • QA testing often includes multiple types of testing such as functional testing, system testing, regression testing, etc.
  • The QA team uses test cases that have been written based on the requirements and functionality of the software.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

  • Conducted by end users or business representatives.
  • Occurs towards the end of the project, after QA testing and before the software is released.
  • The goal is to validate whether the software or application meets the business requirements and can handle real-world tasks according to specifications. It’s about ensuring the software can provide the necessary functionality for end users’ operations.
  • UAT often involves real-world scenarios and use cases to make sure the system does what users need it to do.
  • If the software fails UAT, it usually means it’s not ready for release and needs more work.

In summary, while QA testing focuses on verifying ‘if the system is built correctly’, UAT ensures ‘if the correct system is built’. Both are crucial for delivering a high-quality product.

Testing before UAT

Before User Acceptance Testing (UAT), several other testing levels are performed to ensure the software is functioning correctly and meeting the set requirements. These testing levels include:

  1. Unit Testing: This is the first level of testing and is performed by developers. It involves testing individual components or units of the software to verify that each part works as expected.
  2. Integration Testing: This level of testing involves combining individual units and testing them as a group. The aim is to identify any issues that may arise when different components interact with each other.
  3. System Testing: At this level, the entire system is tested as a whole to ensure it meets the specified requirements. It typically includes both functional and non-functional testing.
  4. Regression Testing: This is done after making changes to the software (like bug fixes or adding new features) to ensure that the existing functionality still works as expected.
  5. Smoke Testing: This a preliminary test that checks the basic functionalities of an application. It’s usually done when a new build is ready to test.
  6. Sanity Testing: This is a narrow-regression testing that focuses on one or a few areas of functionality. It’s done when there is not enough time for thorough testing.
  7. Performance Testing: This tests how the system behaves under load, and measures its speed, responsiveness, and stability under various workloads.
  8. Security Testing: This tests to see if the system is vulnerable to attacks and verifies that the data and resources are protected from potential intruders.

All these testing levels are performed before UAT to ensure that the product is free from critical bugs and that it meets the user’s business requirements.

What testing is done before UAT?

Before User Acceptance Testing (UAT), several other types of testing are conducted to ensure that the software is functioning correctly and meeting the requirements. These include:

  1. Unit Testing: This is the first level of testing, typically performed by developers. It involves testing individual components or units of the software to verify that each is functioning as expected.
  2. Integration Testing: This involves combining individual units and testing them as a group. The aim is to identify any issues that may arise when different components interact with each other.
  3. System Testing: At this stage, the entire system is tested as a whole to ensure it meets the specified requirements. This includes both functional and non-functional testing.
  4. Regression Testing: After making changes to the software (such as bug fixes or adding new features), regression testing is done to ensure that the existing functionality still works as expected.
  5. Smoke Testing: This is a preliminary test that checks the basic functionalities of an application. It’s usually performed when a new build is ready for testing.
  6. Sanity Testing: This is a narrow-regression testing that focuses on one or a few areas of functionality. It’s done when there isn’t enough time for thorough testing.
  7. Performance Testing: This tests how the system behaves under load, measuring its speed, responsiveness, and stability under a variety of workloads.
  8. Security Testing: This involves testing the system for vulnerabilities to attacks and verifying that data and resources are protected from potential intruders.

All these testing stages are performed before UAT to ensure that the product is free from critical bugs and that it meets the user’s business requirements.

UAT Checklist and Templates

A User Acceptance Testing (UAT) checklist and template can be crucial tools to ensure the testing process is thorough and effective. Here’s an example of a typical UAT checklist:

UAT Checklist:

  1. Test Plan: Have a clear plan detailing what needs to be tested, who will do the testing, and when the testing will take place.
  2. Test Cases/Scenarios: Develop test cases based on real-world scenarios that the software will encounter. Each case should have expected results.
  3. Test Data: Ensure you have the necessary data for testing. This might include creating dummy accounts, files, or other input data.
  4. Test Environment: Set up a test environment that mimics the production environment as closely as possible.
  5. Resource Allocation: Make sure you have the necessary resources, including personnel and hardware.
  6. Execution of Test Cases: Run the test cases, documenting any issues or bugs that arise.
  7. Issue Log: Keep a log of all issues, including details about the issue and how it was resolved.
  8. Retest and Regression: Once issues have been fixed, retest to make sure the fix works. Regression tests ensure that the fix didn’t break anything else.
  9. Sign-off: Once all tests have passed and all issues have been resolved, the product owner or business representative signs off on the product, indicating it’s ready for production.

And here’s a simple template for a UAT test case:

UAT Test Case Template:

Test Case IDTest ScenarioTest StepsTest DataExpected ResultActual ResultPass/FailComments
TC001Login functionality1. Open app 2. Enter username & password 3. Click login buttonUsername: user1 Password: password1User should be successfully logged in

Remember, these are just examples. Your UAT checklist and template might look different depending on the specifics of your project.

UAT checklist

A UAT checklist can guide this process to ensure nothing is overlooked. Here’s a common UAT checklist based on several sources:

  1. Define User Acceptance Criteria: Clearly specify the conditions that the software must meet to be accepted by the users12.

  2. Craft Test Cases/Scripts: Develop test cases or scripts based on the acceptance criteria and real-world scenarios2.

  3. Prepare Test Data: Make sure you have the necessary data for testing2.

  4. Set Up Test Environment: The test environment should mimic the production environment as closely as possible3.

  5. Define Test Schedule: Define a high-level test schedule against the UAT strategy to achieve priorities3.

  6. Perform Testing: Execute the test cases and document the results4.

  7. Log and Resolve Issues: Keep a record of all issues found during testing, their status, and how they were resolved4.

  8. Retest: Once issues have been fixed, conduct retesting to ensure the fixes work and haven’t caused any new issues4.

  9. Sign-off: After all tests have passed and all issues have been resolved, obtain sign-off from the product owner or business representative4.

  10. Review: Reflect on the UAT process to identify any areas for improvement for future testing5.

Remember, these are just general guidelines. Your UAT checklist may need to be adjusted based on the specific needs and context of your project.

What is a UAT checklist?

A User Acceptance Testing (UAT) checklist is a document that outlines the steps needed to complete UAT, which is the final phase of software testing. The checklist typically includes planning and preparing test scenarios, executing test cases, logging and resolving defects, and obtaining sign-off from stakeholders.

It ensures that all critical aspects of the system are tested and that the software meets the user’s requirements and works as expected in real-world scenarios.

UAT templates

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) templates help to structure the testing process and ensure that all necessary steps are taken. Here are some examples of common UAT templates:

  1. UAT Test Plan Template:
IntroductionOverview of the system and objectives of UAT
ScopeAreas of the system to be tested during UAT
Roles and ResponsibilitiesWho will be involved in UAT and their responsibilities
ScheduleTimeline for each phase of UAT
Test Scenarios/CasesDetailed scenarios or cases to be tested
Entry and Exit CriteriaConditions that must be met to start and finish UAT
Risks and AssumptionsPotential issues that might affect UAT and any assumptions made
  1. UAT Test Case Template:
Test Case IDTest ScenarioTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultPass/FailComments
TC001Login functionality1. Open app 2. Enter username & password 3. Click login buttonUser should be successfully logged in
  1. UAT Issue Log Template:
Issue IDDate IdentifiedDescriptionSeverityAssigned toStatusDate Resolved
IL001MM/DD/YYYYDescription of the issueHigh/Medium/LowName of assigneeOpen/In Progress/ClosedMM/DD/YYYY
  1. UAT Sign-off Template:
Project NameDateBusiness RepresentativeSignature
Name of the projectMM/DD/YYYYName of representativeSignature of representative

Remember, these are just basic examples. Your UAT templates might need to be adjusted based on the specific needs and context of your project.

User acceptance testing template

A User Acceptance Testing (UAT) template is a document that helps guide the testing process to ensure that a system or product works for the user as intended. Here’s a basic example of a UAT template:

Project Name: [Name of the project]

Date: [Date of testing]

Test Case ID: [Unique identifier for each test case]

Test Scenario: [Brief description of what is being tested]

Test Steps: [Detailed steps to execute the test]

Expected Result: [What should happen if the test is successful]

Actual Result: [What actually happened when the test was executed]

Pass/Fail: [Whether the test passed or failed]

Comments: [Any additional notes about the test]

Issues Log

Issue ID: [Unique identifier for each issue]

Issue Description: [Details of the issue]

Severity: [How serious the issue is, e.g., Low, Medium, High]

Assigned to: [Who is responsible for resolving the issue]

Status: [Current status of the issue, e.g., Open, In Progress, Closed]

Resolution Date: [When the issue was resolved]


I, [Stakeholder’s name], confirm that the system has been tested and has met the acceptance criteria.

Signature: [Stakeholder’s signature]

Date: [Date of sign-off]

This is a basic template and can be modified according to the specific requirements of your project.

Writing and Approving UAT Test Cases

Writing and approving User Acceptance Testing (UAT) test cases is a collaborative process between the business stakeholders and the testing team. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Understand Requirements: Start by understanding the business requirements and objectives of the application. Gather all necessary documentation such as project requirements, design documents etc.
  2. Identify Test Scenarios: Based on the requirements, identify real-life scenarios that the software will be used for. These scenarios form the basis of your test cases.
  3. Write Test Cases: For each scenario, write detailed test cases that outline specific steps to execute the test, the expected result, and the actual result.
    A sample format could be:
    Test Case IDTest ScenarioTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultTC001Login functionalityEnter username & password > Click login buttonUser should be successfully logged in-
  4. Review Test Cases: Have the test cases reviewed by the project team or a subject matter expert. They should ensure that all scenarios are covered and that the test cases accurately reflect the business requirements.
  5. Approve Test Cases: The final step is to get approval from the project stakeholders. This could be the project manager, business analyst, or the client. Their sign-off ensures that everyone agrees on what will be tested and how.
  6. Execute Test Cases: Once approved, the UAT test cases can be executed. Document any defects or issues that arise and retest once they have been fixed.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to confirm that the system meets the agreed-upon criteria and is ready for use in the real world. So, the test cases should be as close as possible to the real-world scenarios.

Writing UAT test cases

Writing UAT (User Acceptance Testing) test cases involves creating detailed steps to validate that a system or application meets business requirements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write effective UAT test cases:

  1. Understand the System: Before you start writing test cases, you need to understand the system and its intended use. Review all available documentation, including business and system requirements, user stories, and process diagrams.
  2. Identify Test Scenarios: Identify all possible scenarios that could occur when using the system. Think about all the different ways the system will be used in a real-world setting. These scenarios should cover all functionalities of the system.
  3. Design Test Cases: For each scenario, create a separate test case. Each test case should have the following components:
    • Test Case ID: A unique identifier for each test case.
    • Test Scenario: A brief description of what is being tested.
    • Test Steps: Detailed steps to follow to carry out the test. This should be clear enough that anyone can perform the test.
    • Expected Result: What should happen when the test is executed successfully.
    • Actual Result: This is filled in during the testing phase to document what actually happened during the test.
    • Status: This indicates whether the test case passed or failed during execution.
  4. Review and Refine: Review your test cases and refine them as necessary. Make sure they are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  5. Get Approval: Once your test cases are written and reviewed, get approval from relevant stakeholders to ensure they meet expectations and cover all necessary areas.

Remember, the goal of UAT test cases is to confirm that the system behaves as expected in real-world scenarios. So, each test case should reflect realistic user actions and expectations.

How to write UAT test cases?

Writing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) test cases involves outlining a series of steps to verify that a system meets its business objectives and is ready for use. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write effective UAT test cases:

  1. Understand the Business Objectives: Start by understanding the business requirements and objectives of the system. This will give you a clear idea of what needs to be tested.
  2. Identify Test Scenarios: Based on the requirements, identify potential real-life scenarios that end-users will encounter when using the system. These scenarios should cover all functionalities of the system.
  3. Write Test Cases: For each scenario, write a detailed test case. Each test case should include:
    • Test Case ID: A unique identifier for each test case.
    • Test Scenario: A brief description of what is being tested.
    • Test Steps: Detailed steps to execute the test.
    • Expected Result: The outcome that should occur if the system is working correctly.
    • Actual Result: This is filled in during the testing phase to document what actually happened during the test.
    • Pass/Fail: This field is completed after the test to indicate whether the test passed or failed.
  4. Review Test Cases: After the test cases are written, they should be reviewed by the project team or other relevant stakeholders. This ensures that all necessary scenarios are covered and that the test cases accurately reflect the business requirements.
  5. Get Approval: Once the test cases have been reviewed and refined, they should be approved by the project stakeholders. This could be the project manager, business analyst, or the client. Their approval indicates consensus on what needs to be tested and how.
  6. Execute Test Cases: After approval, the test cases can be executed. Any issues discovered during testing should be documented and addressed.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to validate that the system can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications. The test cases you write should help determine whether this goal has been achieved.

Approving UAT

Approving User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical step in the software development lifecycle. It signifies that the software meets business requirements and is ready for deployment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to approve UAT:

  1. Review Test Results: Begin by reviewing the results of the UAT test cases. Ensure all test cases have been executed and that the actual results match the expected results.
  2. Check for Open Defects: Look at the list of defects identified during UAT. If there are open defects, assess their severity and impact on the system’s functionality. High severity defects should be resolved before approval.
  3. Evaluate System Performance: Consider whether the system performs well under real-world conditions. Does it respond quickly? Can it handle the expected number of users?
  4. Confirm Business Requirements: Revisit the original business requirements. Confirm that the system fulfills these requirements and that all functionalities work as they should.
  5. Gather User Feedback: Collect feedback from the users who performed the testing. Are they satisfied with the system? Do they find it easy to use? User satisfaction is a key factor in approval.
  6. Approve or Reject: Based on your review, you can either approve or reject the UAT. If you approve, the system is ready for deployment. If you reject, the development team needs to fix the identified issues and the UAT process is repeated.

Remember, approval of UAT does not mean the system is perfect. It means the system is good enough to go live. There may still be minor defects, but they should not significantly affect the system’s functionality or user experience.

Who approves UAT?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is typically approved by the key stakeholders in a project. This could include:

  1. Business Stakeholders: These are individuals who have a direct interest in the product, such as business owners, investors, or executives. They often have the final say in whether the software meets their business needs and can be deployed.
  2. Product Owners: In an Agile development environment, the Product Owner has a significant role in approving UAT. They represent the business stakeholders’ interests and ensure that the product delivers value to the business.
  3. End Users or User Representatives: The actual users of the software, or their representatives, play a crucial role in UAT approval. After all, the primary purpose of UAT is to ensure that the system can handle real-world scenarios and meets user expectations.
  4. Project Managers or Team Leaders: Depending on the organization’s structure, Project Managers or Team Leaders may also be involved in the approval process. They coordinate the testing efforts and help assess whether the software is ready for deployment.

Remember, the exact roles involved in UAT approval can vary depending on the organization and the specifics of the project. The important thing is that those who approve UAT have a deep understanding of the business requirements and user needs.

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Execution of UAT Testing

Executing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves running through the test cases that were prepared during the planning stage of UAT. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to execute UAT:

  1. Prepare the Test Environment: The first step is to set up a test environment similar to the production environment where the software will be deployed. This includes installing the software, setting up databases, and configuring any necessary hardware or software.
  2. Review Test Cases: Before beginning execution, review all the test cases to ensure you understand the scenarios and expected outcomes.
  3. Execute Test Cases: Start executing the test cases one by one, following the steps outlined in each case. It’s important to document the actual results and any deviations from the expected results.
  4. Log Defects: If there are any discrepancies between the expected and actual results, log them as defects. Provide as much detail as possible about the issue, including the steps to reproduce it, the expected outcome, and any error messages.
  5. Retest Defect Fixes: Once the development team has fixed the defects, retest the scenarios to ensure the fixes work as intended.
  6. Document Results: Keep a record of all your findings, including the test cases executed, the defects found and their status, and any other observations. This documentation will be crucial for the final UAT approval decision.
  7. Communicate with Stakeholders: Regularly communicate the progress of the testing to the stakeholders. If there are major issues that could affect the project timeline or quality, escalate them promptly.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to validate that the system meets the business needs and is ready for deployment. Therefore, the focus should be on testing the software from an end-user’s perspective and validating that it performs as expected in real-world scenarios.

Performing UAT testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical phase in the software development life cycle. It helps validate that the system or application aligns with the business requirements and is ready for production. Here’s a step-by-step guide on performing UAT:

  1. Define User Acceptance Criteria: Before starting the test, define clear user acceptance criteria. These are the conditions that the system must meet to be accepted by the users. The criteria should be based on the business requirements.
  2. Create a UAT Plan: Develop a detailed UAT plan that outlines the testing strategy, including the scope of testing, the roles and responsibilities of the team members, the testing schedule, and any necessary resources.
  3. Develop Test Cases: Based on the acceptance criteria, create test cases that cover all the functionalities of the system. Each test case should include the steps to execute the test, the expected outcome, and the actual result.
  4. Prepare Test Data: Gather the data needed to execute the test cases. This could be real data or synthetic data that mimics the characteristics of real data.
  5. Execute Test Cases: Run through each of the test cases in a controlled test environment. Document the results of each test, noting any discrepancies between the expected and actual outcomes.
  6. Log and Track Defects: If you encounter any issues during testing, log them in a defect tracking tool. Provide as much detail as possible, including the steps to reproduce the issue and any error messages.
  7. Retest and Confirm: Once the issues have been fixed, retest the affected test cases to confirm that the fixes work as intended.
  8. Review and Sign Off: After all tests have been executed and any defects addressed, review the test results. If the system meets the acceptance criteria and the stakeholders are satisfied, give your approval for the system to go live.

Remember, UAT is not just about finding bugs. It’s about confirming that the system can handle real-world tasks and meets the users’ needs and expectations.

Who performs UAT testing?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is typically performed by the end users or user representatives. These are individuals who will be using the software in their daily work once it’s deployed to the production environment. They perform UAT to ensure that the system meets their needs and can handle real-world scenarios.

Some of the common roles involved in performing UAT include:

  1. Business Users: These are the people who will use the software for their day-to-day tasks. They know the business processes best and can validate whether the software meets their needs.
  2. Product Owners: In an Agile development environment, the Product Owner represents the business stakeholders and ensures that the product delivers value to the business. They might participate in UAT to confirm that the software aligns with the business requirements.
  3. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): These are individuals with in-depth knowledge of the business processes that the software is designed to support. They can provide valuable insights during UAT.
  4. UAT Testers: Some organizations have a dedicated team of UAT testers who specialize in testing from the user’s perspective. They work closely with the business users to understand their needs and then perform UAT on their behalf.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to validate that the system works for the user. Therefore, whoever performs UAT should have a good understanding of the business requirements and the users’ needs.

UAT testing tools

There are several User Acceptance Testing (UAT) tools available to help streamline and automate the UAT process. These tools can help with test management, defect tracking, collaboration, and reporting. Here are some commonly used UAT tools:

  1. Jira: This is a popular tool for issue tracking and project management. You can use it to manage your UAT test cases, log defects, and track their resolution.
  2. TestRail: This is a comprehensive web-based test case management software that allows you to manage, track, and organize your UAT tests.
  3. qTest: qTest provides a collaborative platform for managing testing efforts and communicating results across teams.
  4. Zephyr: This is a flexible, scalable test management tool that integrates with Jira. It supports the creation, execution, and tracking of test cases.
  5. PractiTest: An end-to-end test management tool, PractiTest allows you to manage your tests, requirements, and defects in one place.
  6. Usersnap: This user feedback platform is excellent for visual bug reporting. It allows users to quickly and easily provide feedback by capturing screenshots and annotating them.
  7. Trello: While not a dedicated UAT tool, Trello’s simple and intuitive interface makes it great for organizing test cases and tracking progress.

Remember, the best tool for you will depend on your specific needs, such as the size of your team, your workflow, and your budget.

Can Jira be used for UAT testing?

Yes, Jira can be used for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). It is a versatile tool that can be adapted to manage different aspects of software development and testing. While it’s not specifically designed for UAT, it can be customized to fit this purpose.

Jira allows you to create and track issues, which can serve as test cases in the context of UAT. You can define the steps to execute the test, the expected outcome, and then log the actual result. If the system does not behave as expected, you can create a new issue to track the defect1.

Moreover, Jira supports workflows, which can be used to manage the UAT process. For example, a test case might start in the ‘To Do’ state, move to ‘In Progress’ when testing begins, and then either go to ‘Done’ if the test passes or ‘Bug Reported’ if a defect is found1.

There are also plugins available that can enhance Jira’s capabilities for UAT2. For instance, some plugins add test case management features, making it easier to write, organize, and execute test cases.

However, keep in mind that using Jira for UAT may require some level of technical expertise to set up and customize3. Also, Atlassian’s own documentation warns that while Jira can work for manual testing and acceptance testing, it’s not a dedicated testing tool4.

So, while Jira can certainly be used for UAT, whether it’s the best tool for your needs will depend on your specific requirements and circumstances.


  1. Does JIRA have a workflow for User Acceptance Testing (UAT)? ↩ ↩2
  2. UAT plugins for JIRA ↩
  3. User Acceptance Testing Tools: Top 10 Solutions ↩
  4. A Guide To Using Jira For Test Case Management ↩

UAT Types and Defects

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final phase in the testing process before the software is delivered to the end user. It is performed by the actual users and focuses on the functionality and usability of the software rather than technical aspects. There are several types of UAT, each serving a specific purpose.

Types of UAT:

  1. Alpha Testing: Conducted by internal employees in a controlled environment before the product is released to external testers.
  2. Beta Testing: Conducted by a limited number of end users in the real environment before the product is released to the public.
  3. Contract Acceptance Testing: Conducted to check the system against certain criteria and specifications defined in a contract.
  4. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT): Also known as Production Acceptance Testing, this type verifies if workflows are working fine, checks system’s stability, and ensures system readiness for deployment.
  5. Regulation Acceptance Testing: Also known as Compliance Acceptance Testing, this type ensures the system complies with the regulatory guidelines.
  6. Black Box Testing: The tester doesn’t need to know coding or internal structure of the software. They just test the application’s functionality.

Common UAT Defects:

Defects in UAT are usually related to the software failing to meet the user’s requirements or expectations. Here are some common types of defects found during UAT:

  1. Functionality Defects: These occur when a feature doesn’t work as expected or described in the user requirements.
  2. Usability Defects: These are issues that make the software difficult to use. This could be anything from poor user interface design to confusing navigation.
  3. Performance Defects: These defects occur when the software doesn’t perform well under load or takes too long to perform certain operations.
  4. Compatibility Defects: These defects occur when the software doesn’t work correctly on some hardware configurations or with certain software dependencies.
  5. Security Defects: These are issues that expose the software to potential attacks or data breaches.

The goal of UAT is to identify and fix these defects before the software is released, ensuring that it satisfies the user’s needs and provides a good user experience.

Types of UAT

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final phase in the testing process before the software is delivered to the end user. It is performed by the actual users and focuses on the functionality and usability of the software rather than technical aspects. There are several types of UAT, each serving a specific purpose.

  1. Alpha Testing: In this type of UAT, internal employees test the software in a controlled environment before it is released to external testers. The goal is to catch any bugs or issues that might have been missed during earlier testing stages.
  2. Beta Testing: This involves releasing the software to a limited number of end users in a real-world environment before it is made available to the public. Beta testers provide feedback about their experience, which can be used to make final adjustments before full release.
  3. Contract Acceptance Testing: This type of UAT is conducted when a system is developed for a client based on contract specifications. The system is tested against the criteria and specifications outlined in the contract to ensure it meets the client’s requirements.
  4. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT): Also known as User Operational Testing, this type of UAT focuses on the operational readiness of the software. It checks whether the system is ready for deployment and use in a real-world environment.
  5. Regulation Acceptance Testing: Also known as Compliance Acceptance Testing, this type of UAT ensures that the system complies with all necessary regulations and standards. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare or finance where software must meet certain regulatory standards.
  6. Black Box Testing: This is a method where the internal workings of the item being tested are not known by the tester. The tester is aware of what the software is supposed to do but not how it does it. They test the application’s functionality.

Each type of UAT has its own specific focus and is used at different stages of the software development and release process.

User acceptance testing types

Already defined in above sections please refer.

UAT defects

During User Acceptance Testing (UAT), several types of defects may be discovered. These defects are usually related to the software failing to meet the user’s requirements or expectations. Here are some common types of defects often found during UAT:

  1. Functionality Defects: These occur when a feature or function of the software doesn’t work as expected or described in the user requirements. This could be due to errors in the code, or misinterpretation of the requirements by the development team.
  2. Usability Defects: Usability defects make the software difficult or confusing to use. This could be due to poor user interface design, confusing navigation, or lack of necessary instructions or prompts.
  3. Performance Defects: These defects occur when the software doesn’t meet performance standards, such as taking too long to load pages, lagging during operation, or crashing under heavy load.
  4. Compatibility Defects: Compatibility issues arise when the software doesn’t work correctly on certain operating systems, browsers, or hardware configurations. This can limit the range of users who can effectively use the software.
  5. Security Defects: Security defects are potentially the most serious, as they can expose the software to attacks, data breaches, or unauthorized access. These defects might be in the form of weak passwords, lack of encryption for sensitive data, or vulnerabilities to hacking attempts.
  6. Data Handling Defects: These defects involve improper handling of data by the software. This could include errors in data input, processing, storage, retrieval, or deletion.

The goal of UAT is to identify and address these defects before the software is released, ensuring that it meets the user’s needs and provides a good user experience.

What are the different types of UAT defects?

  1. Functionality Defects
  2. Usability Defects
  3. Performance Defects
  4. Compatibility Defects
  5. Security Defects
  6. Data Handling Defects
  7. Interface Defects
  8. Configuration Defects
  9. Installation Defects
  10. Integration Defects

Skills and Roles in UAT

The User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process involves various roles and requires a variety of skills to ensure its success. Here are some of the key roles and skills involved in UAT:


  1. Business Analyst: They liaise between the business stakeholders and the development team, defining the business requirements and ensuring that the software developed meets these requirements.
  2. UAT Tester: They are typically end-users who test the software to ensure it meets their needs and expectations.
  3. Test Manager/Lead: They oversee the entire testing process, coordinate the testing team, manage resources, and ensure the testing is completed on time.
  4. Project Manager: They oversee the entire project, including UAT, to ensure it is completed on time and within budget.
  5. Quality Assurance (QA) Team: They ensure the software meets quality standards and is free from defects before it reaches UAT.


  1. Analytical Skills: To understand complex software functionalities and to identify any deviations from the expected behavior.
  2. Attention to Detail: To spot even the smallest of inconsistencies or errors in the software.
  3. Communication Skills: To effectively communicate with team members, stakeholders, and to provide clear feedback.
  4. Understanding of Business Processes: To ensure the software aligns with the business requirements and objectives.
  5. Technical Skills: Basic understanding of the software, systems, and tools used for testing.
  6. Problem-Solving Skills: To find solutions when issues or challenges arise during the testing process.
  7. Time Management: To ensure that testing is carried out efficiently and within the allocated time.
  8. Patience and Persistence: UAT can be a long process with many iterations, requiring patience and persistence.

Each role in UAT has its own specific responsibilities, and each skill contributes to the successful completion of UAT.

UAT skills

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) requires a certain set of skills to be carried out effectively. Here are some key skills needed for UAT:

  1. Analytical Skills: This is crucial for understanding complex software functionalities and to identify deviations from the expected behavior.
  2. Attention to Detail: A good UAT tester must have a keen eye for detail to spot even minor inconsistencies or errors in the software.
  3. Communication Skills: Effective communication is important to relay feedback to the development team and to interact with other stakeholders.
  4. Understanding of Business Processes: Understanding the business requirements and objectives is vital to ensure the software aligns with them.
  5. Technical Skills: While not as in-depth as developers, UAT testers should have a basic understanding of the software, systems, and tools used for testing.
  6. Problem-Solving Skills: Issues or challenges may arise during the testing process. The ability to troubleshoot and find solutions is essential.
  7. Time Management Skills: Testing needs to be carried out efficiently and within the allocated time frame, making good time management a necessary skill.
  8. Patience and Persistence: UAT can be a lengthy process with many iterations. Patience and persistence are key to seeing the process through to completion.
  9. User Experience Understanding: As the goal of UAT is to ensure the software meets user needs, an understanding of user experience principles can be very helpful.

Is UAT testing a skill?

Yes, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a skill. It involves a specific set of abilities and knowledge that allows an individual to effectively conduct tests on a software system before it’s released to ensure it meets the defined business requirements and can handle real-world scenarios.

Roles in UAT

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) involves several key roles to ensure that the software or product meets the business needs and functions as expected in real-world scenarios. Here are some of the primary roles involved in UAT:

  1. Business Analyst: The Business Analyst plays a crucial role in defining the business requirements and ensuring that the system developed meets these requirements. They work as the liaison between the development team and the business stakeholders.
  2. UAT Testers: These are usually the end-users or individuals who represent the end-users. They test the system from the user’s perspective to ensure it meets their needs and expectations. They report any discrepancies or issues they find during testing.
  3. Test Manager/Lead: The Test Manager oversees the entire testing process, manages the testing team, ensures the testing is completed within the stipulated time, and reports the progress to the project manager.
  4. Project Manager: The Project Manager is responsible for the overall project, including UAT. They ensure the project is progressing on schedule and within budget. They also address any issues or risks identified during UAT.
  5. Quality Assurance (QA) Team: The QA team works closely with the UAT testers to ensure the software is free from defects before it reaches UAT. They also help in resolving any issues found during UAT.
  6. Stakeholders: These include individuals from the organization who have an interest in the project, such as top management, department heads, and others. They need to be informed about the progress and results of the UAT.

Each role plays a vital part in ensuring the success of UAT and ultimately, the successful implementation of the software or product.

Who writes UAT test cases?

UAT (User Acceptance Testing) test cases are usually written by Business Analysts, UAT Testers, or the end users themselves. These individuals have a deep understanding of the business requirements and user scenarios that the software should fulfill.

The role of writing UAT test cases can depend on the organization’s structure and processes. In some cases, a dedicated UAT team might be present to handle these tasks.

The key is that whoever writes the UAT test cases should have a good understanding of the user requirements and the business context in which the software will operate. This ensures that the test cases accurately reflect real-world scenarios and effectively validate whether the software meets the user’s needs and expectations.

Advanced Concepts in UAT

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final phase in the software testing process where the intended users test a system to verify if it can complete required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications. Here are some advanced concepts in UAT:

  1. Alpha and Beta Testing: These are two types of UAT. Alpha testing is done by internal staff within the organization, while beta testing involves a limited external user group. Feedback from beta testing can provide valuable insights into how the product performs in a real-world environment.
  2. Black Box Testing: In UAT, testers often use black box testing techniques, where they test the functionality of the application without looking into the internal code structure.
  3. Test Scenarios and Test Cases: Advanced UAT involves creating detailed test scenarios and cases that mimic real-world usage of the application. This requires a deep understanding of the business requirements and user needs.
  4. Automation in UAT: While UAT is traditionally manual, there’s a growing trend toward automating UAT wherever possible. Automated regression testing can be particularly useful in UAT to ensure that new changes haven’t broken existing functionality.
  5. Non-functional Testing: Apart from testing functional requirements, UAT may also involve non-functional testing, such as usability testing, performance testing, and security testing, to ensure the software meets all user expectations.
  6. Risk-based Testing: This involves prioritizing the features to be tested based on the risk associated with them. Features that are more critical to business operations or have a higher chance of failure are tested first.
  7. Acceptance Criteria: This is a key concept in UAT. The acceptance criteria are the conditions that a software product must meet to be accepted by a user, customer, or other stakeholders.

Remember, the goal of UAT, and any advanced concepts associated with it, is to validate that a solution works for the user and that it’s ready for delivery.

UAT best practices

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle as it ensures that the system or application meets business requirements. Here are some best practices to consider for UAT:

  1. Clear Definition of Requirements: The first step towards successful UAT is to have clear and detailed functional and non-functional requirements. This serves as a guideline for creating test cases.
  2. Involve Users Early and Often: The users should be involved from the beginning of the project. This helps in understanding their expectations and needs, making UAT more effective.
  3. Realistic Scenarios: Test cases should cover all possible real-world scenarios. These cases should be based on common tasks that end users will perform.
  4. Trained UAT Testers: The people who are performing the UAT should be adequately trained. They should understand the system, the testing process, and how to document their findings.
  5. Prioritize Test Cases: Not every test case may be equally important. Prioritize them based on the business impact, user impact, and risk levels.
  6. Effective Communication: Regular communication between the project team, stakeholders, and testers is key. Everyone should be aware of the progress, issues, and changes in the project.
  7. Use a Test Management Tool: A good test management tool can help in maintaining test cases, tracking testing progress, logging defects, and generating reports.
  8. Review and Feedback: After the UAT phase, gather feedback from all participants. This helps in identifying areas for improvement for future projects.
  9. Don’t Rush UAT: UAT should not be rushed just to meet project deadlines. The main aim of UAT is to confirm that the solution meets business needs and user expectations.
  10. Plan for Regression Testing: After issues have been fixed, regression testing should be carried out to ensure that the fixes haven’t unintentionally affected other areas of the system.

Remember, the goal of UAT is to validate that the system or application meets the user’s needs and functions as expected in real-world scenarios. Following these best practices can help achieve this effectively.

User acceptance testing best practices

  1. Identify the Target Audience: Understand who will be using the system and involve them in the testing process. The end-users of the system can provide valuable insights and detect potential issues that may not be apparent to the development team (Practitest).
  2. Develop a Test Plan: A well-structured test plan is crucial for the success of UAT. This should outline the testing strategy, scenarios to be tested, resources needed, and timelines (Aimultiple).
  3. Create Detailed Test Cases: The test cases used in UAT need to be as detailed and specific as possible. They should clearly specify what actions to perform and what results to expect (Release).
  4. Use Realistic Data: It’s important to use realistic data for UAT. However, care should be taken to ensure that this does not expose sensitive user data (Aimultiple).
  5. Clear Communication: Effective communication is key in UAT. Any bugs or issues identified during testing should be clearly communicated to the relevant parties (Practitest).
  6. Test in a Realistic Environment: The testing environment should mimic the production environment as closely as possible. This helps to ensure that the system will work as expected when it goes live (LinkedIn).
  7. Patience and Flexibility: UAT can be a complex and time-consuming process. It’s important to be patient, understand the user’s perspective, and be flexible in finding solutions to any issues that arise (ERP Information).

These practices can help to ensure that the system meets the users’ needs and expectations, and that any potential issues are identified and addressed before the system goes live.

UAT validation or verification

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is primarily a validation activity.

Let’s clarify the difference between verification and validation in software testing:

  1. Verification is the process of checking that a product meets specified requirements at particular stages during development. It answers the question, “Are we building the system right?” This involves reviews, walkthroughs, and inspections conducted by QA teams.
  2. Validation is the process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements. It answers the question, “Are we building the right system?” This usually involves actual testing and takes place after verifications are completed.

In UAT, the actual users of the software validate the software to ensure that it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications. They’re not concerned with the underlying design or code, but rather with the functionality and usability of the application – they want to validate that the right system has been built for their needs. So, UAT falls under the category of validation, not verification.

Is UAT validation or verification?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is considered a part of the validation process in software testing.

Verification and validation are two distinct processes in software testing:

  1. Verification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function. It answers the question, “Are we building the system right?” Verification typically involves reviews and inspections of software design and coding.
  2. Validation, on the other hand, refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements. It answers the question, “Are we building the right system?”

UAT falls under the validation process because it involves actual users of the software in the final phase of testing to confirm whether the system meets the specified business requirements and is ready for delivery. During UAT, real-world scenarios and tasks are performed, ensuring the software can handle them and therefore validating that the right system has been built according to user needs.

UAT Software and Tools

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, where end-users test the software to ensure it behaves as expected in real-world scenarios. There are several tools available that can help facilitate this process. Here are a few commonly used ones:

  1. qTest Manager: This tool offers UAT management capabilities, allowing users to organize and track testing efforts. It supports integrations with other popular testing and development tools.
  2. PractiTest: PractiTest is a cloud-based test management tool that allows you to manage all aspects of the testing lifecycle, including UAT.
  3. Usersnap: Usersnap is a user feedback platform that helps you collect and manage customer feedback, making it useful for UAT.
  4. Zephyr: Zephyr is a comprehensive suite of tools that support the entire testing lifecycle. It includes capabilities for test case creation, execution, and reporting.
  5. TestRail: TestRail is a web-based test case management tool that provides comprehensive tracking of all UAT activities.
  6. JIRA: While JIRA is primarily used for issue tracking and project management, it can also be used to manage UAT when combined with add-ons like Zephyr or Xray.
  7. TestLink: An open-source tool, TestLink helps in creating and managing test cases as well as organizing them into test plans for execution.
  8. TestLodge: This tool allows teams to manage their test plans, test cases, and test runs with ease, making it beneficial for UAT.

Remember, the best tool depends on your specific needs, including the size and spread of your team, your budget, and your specific UAT goals. Always choose a tool that fits your organization’s requirements and enhances your testing process.

User acceptance testing software

Sure, here’s a list of some popular User Acceptance Testing (UAT) software:


  1. qTest Manager
  2. PractiTest
  3. Usersnap
  4. Zephyr
  5. TestRail
  6. JIRA
  7. TestLink
  8. TestLodge
  9. Tricentis Tosca
  10. Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center
  11. Selenium
  12. IBM Rational Quality Manager
  13. LoadRunner
  14. Postman
  15. SoapUI

UAT Certification

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) certification refers to the formal approval given post-UAT, indicating that the software application has met the specified acceptance criteria and is ready for live deployment. The certification is usually provided by the product owner, project sponsor, or a group of end users who have been involved in the UAT process.

It’s important to note that there isn’t a standardized “UAT certification” for individuals like there are for other areas of software testing. However, there are several training courses and certifications available for software testing in general that cover aspects of UAT, such as:

  • Certified Software Tester (CSTE) from QAI Global Institute
  • ISTQB Certified Tester from International Software Testing Qualifications Board
  • Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP) from International Institute for Software Testing.

These certifications not only cover UAT but also other types of testing, methodologies, and best practices in software quality assurance.

User acceptance testing certification

As of now, there isn’t a standardized certification specifically for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). However, there are various certifications related to software testing and quality assurance that encompass concepts and strategies integral to UAT. These might be useful for someone looking to enhance their knowledge in the area:

  1. ISTQB Certified Tester: Offered by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), this certification comes in Foundation Level and Advanced Level. It covers a broad range of testing methodologies, including acceptance testing.
  2. Certified Software Tester (CSTE): Provided by the QAI Global Institute, this certification is for software professionals who want to demonstrate their understanding of software testing principles and practices.
  3. Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA): This certification from QAI Global Institute is for quality assurance professionals aiming to demonstrate their competence in the principles and practices of quality assurance, including testing.
  4. Advanced Level Test Manager – ISTQB: This certification is suitable for those wanting to further their test management skills, which include managing user acceptance testing.
  5. Certified Professional in Software Testing (CPST): Offered by the Information Systems Examination Board (ISEB), this certification includes modules on all aspects of testing, including user acceptance testing.

Please note that while these certifications cover aspects of UAT, they are not dedicated solely to it. Always choose a certification that aligns with your career goals and learning objectives.

UAT Interview Preparation

Preparing for a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) interview can be a critical step in securing a job in software testing. Here are some tips that could help you prepare:

  1. Understand the Basics of UAT: You should have a solid understanding of what UAT is, why it’s important, and how it fits into the overall software development lifecycle.
  2. Know the UAT Process: Be familiar with the steps involved in UAT – from planning and designing test cases to executing them and signing off.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with Common UAT Tools: While there isn’t a specific tool for UAT, knowing common testing tools like JIRA, TestRail, or Selenium can be beneficial.
  4. Review Sample UAT Test Cases and Plans: Understanding how to write and execute UAT test cases is crucial. You should be comfortable with creating test scenarios that mimic real-world usage of the application.
  5. Prepare for Behavioral Questions: UAT often involves working closely with clients or end-users. Interviewers may ask about your communication skills, how you handle feedback, and your approach to problem-solving.
  6. Have Real Examples Ready: If you’ve conducted UAT before, prepare to discuss specific examples, challenges you faced, and how you resolved them.
  7. Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and changes in the field of software testing and UAT.

UAT interview questions

Here are a few potential interview questions:

  1. What is User Acceptance Testing and why is it important?
  2. Can you describe the UAT process?
  3. How do you determine the success of a UAT?
  4. Can you provide an example of a UAT test case you have written?
  5. How do you handle negative feedback from users during UAT?

User acceptance testing interview questions

Based on the sources you provided, here are some potential User Acceptance Testing (UAT) interview questions:

  1. Can you explain the role of acceptance testing in the context of software development life cycle? (Source: interviewprep.org)
  2. How do you conduct UAT? What aspects do you focus on during this phase? (Source: krishnatraining.com)
  3. Can you elaborate on what a UAT plan is and what it typically includes? (Source: krishnatraining.com)
  4. What is the difference between pilot testing and beta testing? (Source: onestoptesting.com)
  5. How do you differentiate between System testing and Acceptance testing? (Source: onestoptesting.com)
  6. Could you share your experience working with clients from different parts of the world during UAT? (Source: climbtheladder.com)
  7. What are the key things that end-user testers should know before performing UAT? (Source: testmonitor.com)
  8. How do you approach user acceptance testing? What are the important factors you consider when preparing for UAT? (Source: modernanalyst.com)

Remember, these questions are designed to gauge your understanding of UAT and your experience in conducting it. Prepare your responses keeping in mind the specific requirements of the role you’re interviewing for.

Final Words

User acceptance testing (UAT) is an essential part of software development, and understanding how to perform UAT correctly and efficiently can be the difference between success and failure. Gaining a deep understanding of not only what user acceptance testing is but also what processes must occur during UAT, the roles different individuals have during UAT and any other related tasks is important for ensuring its success.

To stay ahead of the game, bookmark your favorite user acceptance testing best practices, stay on top of news stories dealing with user acceptance testing and even consider getting certified in this type of software testing. If you’re confident with your current knowledge, consider brushing up on your interviewing skills by reading through our list of UAT interview questions or better yet training yourself by writing out sample user acceptance test cases. Last but not least – take a proactive approach to staying true to user acceptance test best practices such as using automated tools like Jira for creating templates and logging defects. Doing so will save time down the line and help create a user-friendly product for end users. After all, that’s what it’s all about!


Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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