Agile Methodology Vs Scrum

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Agile Methodology and Scrum are often used interchangeably in the field of software development, but it’s important to know the difference between the two.

Scrum is a specific framework within the Agile methodology, which is a broad approach to software development that emphasises flexibility, collaboration, and iterative delivery.

For software development projects to be implemented and managed successfully, it is essential to comprehend the nuances and differences between Agile and Scrum.

In this article, we’ll look at the most important differences between Agile Methodology and Scrum. We’ll look at their different roles, processes, and benefits.

Teams can decide which method is best for their project needs and goals by learning more about Agile and Scrum, which will lead to successful results in the constantly changing world of software development.

Agile MethodologyScrum
An overarching approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and iterative development.A specific framework within Agile that provides guidelines and practices for managing and organizing work.
Focuses on delivering value to customers through collaboration, continuous improvement, and responsiveness to change.Focuses on project management and team collaboration, using specific roles, events, and artifacts to facilitate the development process.
Provides a set of principles and values that guide software development, with various methodologies and frameworks falling under its umbrella.One of the methodologies/frameworks within Agile, known for its iterative approach and use of time-boxed iterations called sprints.
Allows for different methodologies to be employed, such as Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), etc., depending on the project requirements and team preferences.Offers a specific set of roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team), events (Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective), and artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment) for managing and executing the work.
Provides a broader philosophical and conceptual framework for software development, allowing for flexibility in adapting methodologies to suit the project and team needs.Provides a structured and prescriptive framework with specific roles, ceremonies, and artifacts that must be followed for effective project management using Scrum.

Final Words

Table of Contents

so Here we learnt the most important differences between Agile Methodology and Scrum.

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I'm Priyanka. I have good knowledge of Software Testing. with this blog, by sharing Software Testing knowledge I'm contributing to our Software Testing community. and trying to connect to all the software testers worldwide with this blog.

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