Top 11 Automation Testing Interview Questions and Answers

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Here are some common automation testing interview questions and answers:

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What is automation testing?

Automation testing is the use of software tools to perform tests on a software application automatically, rather than having a human tester manually perform the tests.

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Why is automation testing important?

Automation testing is important because it can save time and resources by allowing tests to be run automatically and quickly. It can also improve the accuracy of testing by eliminating the possibility of human error.

What are some common automation testing tools?

Some common automation testing tools are Selenium, Cucumber, and QTP (QuickTest Professional).

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How do you decide which tests to automate?

Tests that are time-consuming, repetitive, or prone to human error are good candidates for automation. It’s also important to consider the maintenance costs of the automated tests, as well as the availability of tools and resources to support automation.

How do you maintain automated tests?

Automated tests should be maintained by regularly updating them to ensure they are still relevant and accurate. This may involve modifying the tests to reflect changes in the application under test, or updating the test automation tools and frameworks.

How do you handle dynamic elements in automation testing?

Dynamic elements can be handled in automation testing by using techniques such as dynamic locators, regular expressions, or by waiting for the element to appear in the DOM (Document Object Model).

How do you perform cross-browser testing with automation?

Cross-browser testing can be performed with automation by using tools such as Selenium, which allows tests to be run on different web browsers.

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How do you handle AJAX calls in automation testing?

AJAX calls can be handled in automation testing by using techniques such as waiting for the AJAX call to complete, or by using tools such as Selenium’s “AJAX Elementary” extension.

How do you test for responsive design in automation?

Responsive design can be tested in automation by using tools such as Galen Framework or by using browser tools to resize the window and check that the layout adjusts correctly.

How do you deal with exceptions and error handling in automation testing?

Exceptions and error handling in automation testing can be handled using try-catch blocks or by using tools such as the Selenium Exception Handling Extension.

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How do you integrate automation testing into the development process?

Automation testing can be integrated into the development process by setting up a continuous integration (CI) system, which automatically runs the automated tests every time code changes are made. This helps to ensure that the application is always in a deployable state.

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automation testing interview questions

Frequently Asked Automation Testing Interview Questions

Here are some additional frequently asked Automation Testing Interview Questions:


In conclusion, automation testing is a valuable tool for improving the efficiency and accuracy of testing software applications. It involves using software tools to perform tests automatically, rather than having a human tester manually perform the tests. There are many automation testing tools available, and it’s important to consider which tests to automate and how to maintain the automated tests. Automation testing can be integrated into the development process by setting up a continuous integration system, and it can be used to test for responsive design, handle dynamic elements and AJAX calls, and handle exceptions and error handling.


Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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