Difference between Cypress and Selenium

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Cypress follows a unique architecture where the test code runs directly within the browser. It can directly access and control the application under test, providing fast and reliable test execution.Selenium uses a client-server architecture. It communicates with the browser using a WebDriver, which acts as a mediator between the test code and the browser. Selenium tests run in a separate process from the browser.
Cypress is primarily JavaScript-based and uses a developer-friendly API. It leverages familiar JavaScript syntax and commands to write tests.Selenium supports multiple programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, etc. It provides language-specific bindings and APIs for writing tests.
Cypress supports modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox. It has better support for newer browser features and APIs.Selenium has broader browser support and can work with a wide range of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and more.
Cypress executes tests within the browser, allowing for real-time reloading and providing instant feedback. It can handle asynchronous behavior automatically and eliminates the need for manual waits.Selenium executes tests externally to the browser using the WebDriver. It relies on explicit waits and synchronization techniques to handle asynchronous behavior and interactions with the application.
Cypress provides powerful debugging tools like real-time reloading, interactive step-by-step execution, and time-traveling, making it easier to troubleshoot and debug tests.Selenium provides debugging capabilities through the development environment. Developers can use the debugging features of their preferred IDE or tools.
Cypress has a smaller but growing community. It has an active ecosystem with plugins and community-contributed tools.Selenium has a large and well-established community with extensive resources, frameworks, and libraries available.

Both Cypress and Selenium have their strengths and are suitable for different testing scenarios. Cypress is well-suited for modern web applications with its unique architecture and developer-friendly approach. Selenium, on the other hand, provides broader browser support and a more extensive ecosystem, making it a good choice for cross-browser and multi-language test automation needs.


Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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