Most Important Interview Questions and Answers on Defects

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Are you preparing for a software testing interview? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In the world of software testing, defects are like those pesky little creatures that can wreak havoc if left unaddressed. They can cause headaches, delays, and even impact the reputation of a company. That’s why it’s essential to know how to handle defects effectively.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some of the most important interview questions and answers on defects in software testing. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of defect management!

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What are the different categories of defects?

Defects can be categorized into various types, such as functional defects (related to incorrect functionality), performance defects (related to system performance issues), usability defects (related to user experience), and compatibility defects (related to issues across different platforms or browsers), among others.

How do you report a defect?

When reporting a defect, it’s important to include essential details like the steps to reproduce, expected behavior, actual behavior, screenshots, and any relevant log files. Following a standardized defect reporting template or using a bug tracking tool is typically recommended.

What is the impact of defects on software development?

Defects can have a significant impact on software development, including increased development time, cost overruns, delayed release cycles, reduced customer satisfaction, and potential damage to a company’s reputation.

What is the difference between a defect and an enhancement?

A defect refers to an existing problem or flaw in the software, while an enhancement refers to a new feature or functionality request that improves the software beyond its current capabilities.

How do you prioritize defects during testing?

Defect prioritization is typically based on factors such as the severity of the defect (how critical it is), the frequency of occurrence, the impact on end users, and the overall business impact. These factors help in determining which defects should be fixed first.

What is the role of a defect tracking system?

A defect tracking system, often integrated with a bug tracking tool, helps manage and track defects throughout the software development lifecycle. It allows testers, developers, and stakeholders to collaborate, assign, prioritize, and monitor the status of defects until they are resolved.

How do you ensure the accuracy and completeness of defect fixes?

To ensure the accuracy and completeness of defect fixes, testers usually perform regression testing. This involves retesting the software to ensure that the fixes have resolved the reported defects without introducing any new issues.

How can defects be prevented in software development?

Defect prevention can be achieved through various practices such as conducting code reviews, adhering to coding standards, performing unit testing, using automated testing tools, implementing quality assurance processes, and fostering a culture of quality within the development team.

What is the difference between a defect and a failure?

A defect refers to a flaw in the software, whereas a failure occurs when the software does not meet its intended purpose or does not produce the expected results due to a defect.

How do you ensure effective communication about defects with the development team?

Effective communication about defects can be achieved by providing clear and detailed defect reports, using a standardized defect reporting format, conducting regular defect review meetings, maintaining open lines of communication between testers and developers, and utilizing collaboration tools for seamless communication.

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Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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