What is Regression Testing

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Today we will learn what is regression testing. and also see its Definition, regression testing examples, types, pdf, Advantages disadvantages and Importance. It is an important part of the software testing process because it makes sure that changes to an application don’t mess up the functionality it already has.

It helps find and fix any unexpected problems that may have arisen as a result of recent changes by retesting previously tested functionalities.

What is Regression Testing? Definition, Example

So we are going to see It’s Defintion and It’s example in this section.

What is Regression Testing? Definition, Example

Definition of Regression Testing

Regression testing is a software testing method that involves retesting previously tested functionalities to ensure that recent modifications or changes to an application have not introduced new defects or caused any regression in existing features.

It aims to find and fix any problems that may have come up because of the changes, making sure that the software keeps its desired functionality and quality.

Example of Regression Testing

Let’s look at an example to help us understand this testing. Consider yourself a software tester working on an online store. Your team recently added a new feature that lets customers use discount codes when they’re checking out.

The feature was successfully deployed after extensive testing.

But a few weeks later, the marketing team decides to change how discount codes are generated, and the code is updated to reflect the change.

Even though these changes may not seem to have anything to do with the checkout process, there is always a chance that they will cause problems, such as incorrect discount calculations or system crashes.

It is essential to reduce these risks. Testers would carefully choose and retest the important parts of the website, such as the checkout process, the discount code application, and any calculations that go along with them.

It helps find any inconsistencies or regressions brought on by the recent code changes by running the test cases that have already been run and comparing the results to what was expected.

If any problems are found, they can be dealt with and fixed before they affect end users or make the software unstable.

Regression Testing Example PDF


Types of Regression Testing

Types of Regression Testing

Selective Regression Testing:

  • It focuses on choosing and retesting specific test cases that are likely to be affected by the new changes. 
  • Test cases are carefully selected based on their importance and potential impact on the software’s functionality. 
  • Compared to Retest-All this Testing, this method allows for more targeted and efficient testing, saving time and effort.

Unit Regression Testing:

  • It focuses on testing individual software units or components separately. 
  • Its goal is to make sure that changes to a specific unit don’t cause any regressions and that the unit continues to function correctly. 
  • Early in the development process or when changes are limited to a few units, this kind of regression testing is especially helpful.

Partial Regression Testing: 

  • It entails choosing a subset of test cases from the existing test suite that are related to the changes made to the software. 
  • The chosen test cases cover the areas that are most likely to be affected by the changes. 
  • This method strikes a balance between thorough testing and testing quickly, letting testers concentrate on important areas while saving time by excluding unrelated test cases.

Progressive Regression Testing: 

  • As new features or changes are added to the software, Progressive Regression Testing is done in small steps. 
  • It entails retesting the changed functionalities and how they interact with existing features. 
  • This method makes sure that the software stays stable and works throughout the development process, catching any regressions early and preventing problems from piling up.

Complete Regression Testing:

  • It is another name for Complete Regression Testing, which involves running all possible combinations of test cases. 
  • Its goal is to provide the highest level of coverage by testing every possible scenario and interaction within the software. 
  • While this method ensures thorough testing, it can take a long time and may not always be possible for complex software systems.

Smoke Regression Testing:

  • It is a quick and simple type of regression testing that is done after making small changes or fixes in the software. 
  • It entails running a small number of important test cases that cover crucial functionalities. 
  • The goal is to quickly identify any major regressions before moving on to more extensive testing, saving time and effort in the early stages of testing.

Automated Regression Testing:

  • It runs regression test cases using automated testing tools. 
  • Particularly when working with large and complex software systems, it enables effective and repeatable testing. 
  • It can take a lot of time and work, but it can be done much faster with automation.

Regression Testing Meaning

Regression Testing Meaning

It is an important part of software development that makes sure an application is stable and of high quality. Imagine you have a favourite mobile app or computer programme that you use frequently. Developers are constantly working to improve it by adding new features, fixing bugs, or making improvements.

But with each change to the software, there is always a chance that something will go wrong.

It serves as a safety net, catching any problems that may have been caused by these changes. It entails retesting the software’s previously tested components to ensure that everything still functions as expected.

You can think of it as a way to make sure that nothing was unintentionally broken while making improvements.

How to do Regression Testing

How to do Regression Testing
  • Identify the scope: Determine the specific functionalities or modules that need to be included in the this testing based on the changes made to the software.
  • Create a regression test suite: Develop a set of test cases that cover the critical functionalities affected by the changes. These test cases should be designed to validate the expected behavior of the software.
  • Prioritize test cases: Arrange the test cases in order of importance to ensure that the most critical functionalities are tested first. This helps in detecting high-impact issues early on.
  • Execute the test cases: Run the regression test suite, either manually or through automation tools, to verify if the existing functionalities are still working correctly after the changes. Record the test results for analysis.
  • Analyze and report defects: If any test cases fail during this testing, investigate and identify the root causes of the failures. Report the defects in a structured manner, including relevant details, so they can be addressed by the development team.
  • Retest and validate fixes: After defects have been fixed, rerun the failed test cases to ensure that the issues have been resolved. Conduct additional regression testing if necessary to ensure the overall stability of the software.
  • Monitor and update the regression test suite: Keep the regression test suite up to date by adding new test cases for new functionalities and modifying existing test cases as needed. This ensures that future changes to the software can be effectively validated.

Why is Regression Testing Important

Why is Regression Testing Important
  • Ensures that previously functioning features remain operational after changes or updates to the software.
  • Helps identify and fix defects or bugs that may have been introduced by modifications.
  • Validates the overall stability and reliability of the software.
  • Mitigates the risk of unintended side effects caused by changes to related or dependent functionalities.
  • Provides confidence to stakeholders that the software maintains its desired behavior and quality over time.
  • Reduces the likelihood of customer dissatisfaction or loss of trust due to regression issues.
  • Saves time and costs in the long run by detecting and addressing problems early in the development cycle.
  • Supports continuous improvement and maintenance of the software by identifying areas that need attention.
  • Helps maintain a consistent user experience by ensuring that previously tested features still work as intended.
  • Facilitates smooth integration and deployment of new features without disrupting existing functionalities.
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Can Regression Testing be Automated

Can Regression Testing be Automated

Yes, this testing can be automated, and it’s usually a good way to do it. Automation means running test cases with the help of tools or scripts and comparing the actual results with what was expected.

Here are several reasons why regression testing can be successfully automated:

  • Repetitive Execution: This testing typically involves rerunning the same set of test cases repeatedly. Automation eliminates the need for manual execution, saving time and effort.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Automated this testing can be faster than manual testing, allowing for quicker release cycles. It reduces the need for manual resources, leading to cost savings in the long run.
  • Increased Test Coverage: Automation enables a broader test coverage by executing a large number of test cases, which may not be feasible with manual testing alone. This helps in detecting issues across multiple functionalities.
  • Improved Accuracy: Automated tests execute test cases precisely, reducing the risk of human error. It ensures consistent test execution and eliminates discrepancies that may occur during manual testing.
  • Regression Test Suite Maintenance: When changes occur in the software, automated tests can be easily updated and maintained. Test scripts can be modified and rerun, allowing for efficient adaptation to evolving requirements.
  • Reusability: Automated tests can be reused across multiple regression cycles and even shared among teams, increasing efficiency and collaboration.

Regression Testing Checklist

Regression Testing Checklist

Identify the scope:

Determine which functions or modules will be affected by the changes.
Define the regression test coverage based on the impact analysis of the changes.

Selection of Test Cases:

Choose relevant test cases from the existing test suite that cover the affected functionalities.
Sort test cases by importance and urgency.

Test Environment Setup:

Make sure the test environment is set up correctly and accurately reflects the production environment.
Set up the necessary test data or make sure there are suitable test data sets available.

Test Execution:

Execute the chosen test cases using either manual or automated testing tools.
Verify that the new features are functioning properly after the changes.

Reporting of Defects:

During This testing, write down any problems or flaws that were found.
Give clear and detailed information about the failures, including the steps to reproduce them and the expected results.

Problem Solving:

Work with the development team to identify and address the reported bugs.
Verify the fixes to make sure they’ve fixed the problems.


Rerun the failed test cases after fixing the problems to make sure they pass.
Do more this testing if you find new bugs or if the fixes affect other parts of the programme.

Regression Test Suite Maintenance:

To account for new features or changes, update the regression test suite by adding or modifying test cases.
To ensure the test suite’s effectiveness and efficiency, review and optimise it on a regular basis.

Reporting and Documentation:

Document the results of the this testing, including test execution information, defects discovered, and their status of resolution.
Give stakeholders a summary report that emphasises the software’s overall quality and stability.

What is Regression Testing and Retesting

What is Regression Testing and Retesting
Regression TestingRetesting
To identify new defects or regressions after changesTo verify that a specific defect has been fixed
Focuses on the entire application or affected areasFocuses on the specific functionality or bug
Reruns previously executed test casesReruns test cases that initially failed or identified a bug
Ensure stability and integrity of the softwareValidate the resolution of the identified issue
Checks for unintended changes caused by modificationsVerifies the effectiveness of the fix
Broad coverage across various functionalitiesNarrow coverage limited to the specific defect
Performed after implementing changes or enhancementsConducted after the defect has been resolved
Involves retesting previously tested componentsFocuses on the specific scenario or functionality
Identifies and fixes any regressions or new defectsConfirms if the fix has resolved the identified issue

Regression Testing Template Excel

Test Case IDTest Case DescriptionTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultPass/FailNotes

Explanation of columns:

  • Test Case ID: Unique identifier for each test case.
  • Test Case Description: Brief description of the functionality being tested.
  • Test Steps: Step-by-step instructions to execute the test case.
  • Expected Result: The expected outcome or behavior of the software.
  • Actual Result: The actual outcome observed during test execution.
  • Pass/Fail: Indicates whether the test case passed or failed.
  • Notes: Additional information or comments related to the test case execution.

Regression Testing Template Excel Download:

What is Regression Testing and Smoke Testing

What is Regression Testing and Smoke Testing
Regression TestingSmoke Testing
To ensure that recent changes have not introducedTo quickly evaluate if the application is stable enough
new defects or regressionsfor further testing
Focuses on the entire application or affected areasFocuses on the critical functionalities or core features
Reruns previously executed test casesExecutes a subset of test cases
Ensure stability and integrity of the softwareVerify basic functionality and identify showstopper issues
Checks for unintended changes caused by modificationsVerifies if the application is stable for further testing
Broad coverage across various functionalitiesLimited coverage, primarily focused on critical features
Performed after implementing changes or enhancementsConducted early in the testing process
Involves retesting previously tested componentsExecutes a small set of critical test cases
Identifies and fixes any regressions or new defectsFlags any critical issues that need immediate attention

Regression Testing Advantages and Disadvantages

In this section we are going to see what are the Advantages and disadvantages.

Regression Testing Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Regression Testing

  • Helps identify defects introduced by software changes.
  • Ensures stability and reliability of the software.
  • Identifies unintended side effects of modifications.
  • Saves time and costs through automated testing.

Disadvantages of Regression Testing

  • Time-consuming execution.
  • Requires significant computing resources.
  • Test case maintenance and updates can be challenging.
  • Limited test coverage due to a focus on existing features.

Final Words

This testing is essential in software development. It ensures that changes and modifications to a software application do not introduce new bugs or regress previously working functionalities. This testing safeguards software stability, integrity, and reliability by retesting previously validated components.

This testing catches regressions early in development. It detects and fixes issues before they affect users, preventing unexpected glitches and disruptions that can ruin the user experience. This testing contributes to software quality by maintaining performance, security, and compliance standards.

This testing benefits greatly from automation, which speeds up and standardises test execution. Automated This testing boosts efficiency, feedback, test coverage, and human error. Developers can focus on more complex and critical software features by automating tedious tasks.

This testing is a best practise that builds confidence among developers, users, and stakeholders. It saves time, resources, and ensures the success of software projects by delivering a reliable product.

So, the next time someone asks, “What is regression testing?” you’ll know. it reduces risks, delivers high-quality software, and provides a seamless user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by regression testing?

It refers to the process of testing a software application to ensure that recent changes or modifications have not caused any unintended defects or regression in previously working functionalities.

What are the 3 techniques of regression testing?

There are three Techniques
Retest All
Selective Retest
Test Case Prioritization

What is an example of regression testing?

An example of regression in software development is when a software update or modification unintentionally causes previously functioning features or functionalities to stop working or exhibit unexpected behavior.

What tool is used for regression?

There are various tools available for This testing, including popular ones like Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, and Apache JMeter. These tools provide functionalities for automating and managing regression test cases, executing tests, generating reports, and identifying any regressions in the software application.

What is the application of regression?

The application of regression is in software testing, specifically in the process of this testing. It is used to ensure that recent changes or modifications in a software application have not introduced any new defects or caused previously functioning functionalities to regress.


I'm Priyanka. I have good knowledge of Software Testing. with this blog, by sharing Software Testing knowledge I'm contributing to our Software Testing community. and trying to connect to all the software testers worldwide with this blog.

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