Automation Testing Interview Questions in 2024

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We will see realtime Automation Testing Interview Questions and answers in this article.

How do I prepare for an automation test interview?

To prepare for an automation test interview, focus on the following:

  1. Review automation testing concepts and methodologies.
  2. Familiarize yourself with popular automation testing tools like Selenium.
  3. Practice test automation by working on real projects.
  4. Brush up on programming skills, especially in languages like Java or Python.
  5. Understand the basics of version control systems and CI/CD pipelines.
  6. Be prepared to discuss your experience and showcase your problem-solving skills.

What is QA in automation testing?

QA in automation testing stands for Quality Assurance. It is the process of ensuring that software or applications meet the desired quality standards. In the context of automation testing, QA involves using automated tools and scripts to execute tests, validate functionality, identify defects, and ensure the overall quality of the software. Automation testing in QA helps improve efficiency, reliability, and accuracy while reducing manual effort and human error.

What is framework in automation testing interview questions?

In the context of an automation testing interview, a framework refers to a structured approach or set of guidelines for organizing and executing automated tests. It provides a foundation for building and maintaining test automation projects effectively.

A framework typically includes predefined libraries, modules, and reusable components that assist in test script creation, data management, test execution, and result reporting. It helps improve test efficiency, scalability, and maintainability while promoting best practices in automation testing.

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What is automation testing technique?

An automation testing technique refers to a specific approach or method used to design and execute automated tests. These techniques help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the testing process. Some common automation testing techniques include:

  1. Keyword-driven testing: Tests are created using keywords or action words that represent specific actions or operations to be performed.
  2. Data-driven testing: Tests are designed to validate the application’s behavior with different sets of test data, often sourced from external data sources.
  3. Behavior-driven development (BDD): Tests are written in a human-readable format that focuses on the application’s behavior and uses a shared language between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  4. Cross-browser testing: Tests are conducted across different web browsers to ensure compatibility and consistent behavior.
  5. Parallel testing: Multiple tests are executed simultaneously across different machines or devices to reduce testing time.
  6. Continuous testing: Testing is integrated into the software development process, with automated tests executed frequently to provide rapid feedback on code changes.

What is TestNG and selenium?

TestNG is a testing framework for Java that simplifies the process of writing and running automated tests. It offers features like parallel test execution, test dependency management, and test configuration through XML or annotations.

Selenium is an open-source framework used for automating web browsers. It provides tools and libraries, with Selenium WebDriver being the core component. It allows interaction with web elements and supports multiple programming languages. Selenium is widely used for web application testing.

What is Agile test automation?

Agile test automation refers to the practice of incorporating automation testing into the Agile development methodology. It involves using automated tools and frameworks to continuously and iteratively test software throughout the Agile development lifecycle.

Agile test automation aims to increase testing speed, efficiency, and accuracy by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. It allows for quick feedback on code changes, facilitates frequent releases, and helps ensure that software meets the desired quality standards within the fast-paced Agile environment.

What is Selenium tool in testing?

Selenium is a popular open-source tool used for automating web browsers. It provides a suite of tools and libraries that enable developers and testers to automate the testing of web applications across different browsers and platforms.

The core component of Selenium is Selenium WebDriver, which allows interaction with web elements, performing actions like clicking buttons, entering text, and validating page content. Selenium supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, and more, making it versatile and widely adopted in the testing community.

What is POM in Selenium?

POM in Selenium stands for Page Object Model. It is a design pattern used to enhance the maintainability and reusability of automation test scripts. In the Page Object Model, each web page of the application under test is represented by a separate class, known as a Page Object. These classes encapsulate the page elements and related functionality, allowing easy interaction with the web page.

POM helps separate the test script logic from the page structure, making the code more modular and readable. It promotes code reusability, as the same page object can be used across multiple tests. Additionally, any changes in the page structure can be easily managed by updating the corresponding page object, rather than modifying multiple test scripts.

By utilizing POM, test automation becomes more maintainable, scalable, and efficient, leading to improved test development and maintenance workflows in Selenium projects.

What are different test automation tools?

  1. Selenium
  2. Appium
  3. TestComplete
  4. Cucumber
  5. Cypress
  6. TestNG
  7. SoapUI
  8. Postman
  9. JMeter
  10. Potractor etc.

What are the different types of automation?

  1. Test Automation
  2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  3. Infrastructure Automation
  4. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Automation
  5. Network Automation
  6. DevOps Automation

Why XML is used in TestNG?

XML is used in TestNG as a configuration format to define and configure various aspects of the testing framework. It provides a structured and easily readable format for specifying test suites, test cases, test data, and other configurations. XML allows TestNG to organize and manage test cases, dependencies, parallel execution, test parameterization, and other advanced features efficiently. It also enables easy integration with build tools and continuous integration systems, making it a convenient choice for configuring and running tests in TestNG.

Which language is used in TestNG?

TestNG is primarily used with Java programming language.

What is Jenkins in Selenium?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is commonly used in conjunction with Selenium. It allows for the automation of the build, test, and deployment processes. With Jenkins, you can set up and schedule automated test executions using Selenium, generate test reports, and integrate them into a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Jenkins provides a web-based interface to configure and manage automation jobs, making it a popular choice for managing Selenium test automation workflows.

What is QA automation full form?

The full form of QA automation is Quality Assurance Automation.

What is BDD framework?

BDD framework stands for Behavior-Driven Development framework. It is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration and communication among team members, including developers, testers, and business stakeholders.

In BDD, tests are written in a human-readable format using a shared language between technical and non-technical stakeholders. This format focuses on the desired behavior and outcomes of the software rather than technical implementation details.

BDD frameworks like Cucumber and SpecFlow facilitate the implementation of BDD by providing tools and libraries to define and execute tests using a given-when-then format. BDD frameworks promote a common understanding of requirements and facilitate test automation.

Is automation testing easy?

Automation testing can vary in terms of difficulty depending on factors such as the complexity of the application, the chosen automation tool, and the tester’s experience and skill level.

While automation testing offers several benefits such as improved efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability, it does require technical knowledge and expertise.

Learning and mastering automation testing concepts, tools, and programming languages can take time and effort. Additionally, automation testing often involves scripting, maintaining test frameworks, handling test data, and troubleshooting issues, which can present challenges. However, with dedication, practice, and continuous learning, automation testing can become easier and more effective over time.

Is Jira automated testing?

ira itself is not an automated testing tool. Jira is primarily a project management and issue tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It is commonly used for managing tasks, tracking bugs, and collaborating on software development projects.

While Jira provides features for managing test cases and test execution, it does not include built-in capabilities for automated testing.

However, Jira can be integrated with various test management and automation tools to facilitate test automation workflows. These integrations allow for seamless tracking of test cases, test execution results, and defects within the Jira environment.

Automation testing tools like Selenium, TestComplete, or Cucumber can be integrated with Jira to enhance test automation processes and improve collaboration among team members.

What is automation backlog?

An automation backlog refers to a list or set of automation-related tasks, activities, or requirements that need to be completed or addressed within a software development project.

It represents the backlog items specific to automation testing and is typically managed within the context of an Agile or Scrum methodology.

The automation backlog may include various tasks such as automating test cases, creating test scripts, enhancing test frameworks, improving automation infrastructure, addressing technical debt, and implementing new automation features.

These backlog items are prioritized, estimated, and scheduled for implementation based on their importance, impact, and available resources.

The automation backlog helps ensure that automation efforts are planned, tracked, and executed in a systematic manner, aligning with the overall project goals and timelines.

It serves as a central repository of automation-related tasks and provides transparency and visibility into the progress of automation activities within the development process.

Which language is best for Selenium?

Java is considered one of the best languages for Selenium automation testing. It has strong community support, a wide range of libraries and frameworks, and excellent compatibility with Selenium WebDriver.

Java is also known for its robustness, stability, and cross-platform capabilities, making it a popular choice among automation testers using Selenium. However, Selenium also supports other programming languages like Python, C#, and JavaScript, so the choice of language ultimately depends on the project requirements and the team’s expertise.

What is Cucumber in Selenium?

Cucumber is a testing tool that works in conjunction with Selenium to support Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). It allows testers and stakeholders to write test scenarios in a human-readable format using a shared language.

Cucumber uses Gherkin, a plain-text language, to describe the behavior of an application in terms of features, scenarios, and steps. These steps can be implemented using Selenium for automated execution.

Cucumber helps bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders by providing a common language for collaboration and understanding.

It promotes clear communication and alignment between developers, testers, and business stakeholders throughout the testing process. By combining Cucumber with Selenium, teams can create and execute automated tests in a behavior-driven manner, making test scenarios more readable, maintainable, and accessible to all team members.

What document type uses XPath?

XPath is commonly used in XML documents.

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Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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