Compatibility Testing Test Cases

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Compatibility testing test cases are a set of scenarios and conditions designed to validate the functionality and performance of a software application across different platforms, browsers, devices, and operating systems. These test cases help ensure that the software works as intended in various environments, providing a seamless user experience for all of its potential users.

Compatibility Testing Test Cases

Positive Test Cases

  • Verify that the application launches successfully on different operating systems, such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
  • Verify that the software is compatible with different versions of the same operating system.
  • Verify that the website loads correctly on different browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Verify that the application operates normally in different network environments (WiFi, 4G, and 3G).
  • Verify that the application works correctly on different screen resolutions.
  • Verify that the software is compatible with different hardware configurations.
  • Verify that the mobile app works correctly on both the iOS and Android platforms.
  • Verify that the application can successfully access and use peripheral devices like printers, scanners, etc.
  • Verify that the software interacts correctly with other software installed on the system.
  • Verify that the application maintains functionality when the device is switched from portrait to landscape mode.

Negative Test Cases

  • Verify what happens when you launch the application on an unsupported operating system.
  • Verify how the application runs on an outdated version of the operating system.
  • Verify how the website loads on a discontinued or rarely used browser.
  • Verify the application’s functionality on a slow or unstable network connection.
  • Verify how the application displays on a device with a screen resolution below the minimum supported resolution.
  • Verify how the application functions on hardware below the recommended specifications.
  • Verify what happens when the mobile app is run on a device with an unsupported version of iOS or Android.
  • Verify how the application interacts with incompatible peripheral devices.
  • Verify how the application behaves when there is conflicting software installed on the system.
  • Verify how the application behaves when the device is switched from landscape to portrait mode while the application is running.

I'm Priyanka. I have good knowledge of Software Testing. with this blog, by sharing Software Testing knowledge I'm contributing to our Software Testing community. and trying to connect to all the software testers worldwide with this blog.

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