Locust And Jmeter Interview Questions And Answers Pdf – Free Download

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Locust And Jmeter Interview Questions And Answers Pdf – Locust is an open-source load testing tool that is built on Python and lets you define how users will behave using Python code. It is meant to be flexible and easy to use, which is why developers and testers like to use it to test the performance of web apps and APIs.


Apache JMeter is a powerful load testing tool that is free and built on Java. It has an easy-to-use graphical user interface and works with many protocols, so it can be used to test many different kinds of apps. A lot of people in the business use JMeter because it has a lot of features and can test things well.

How does Locust handle distributed testing?

You can use distributed testing with Locust by running multiple Locust worker nodes that talk to a central Locust master node. This lets the work be spread out among several tools.

What is a Task in Locust?

In Locust, a task is a Python function that describes how a user should act. Tasks are done by users, and you can give tasks different weights to model different user actions with different chances of happening.

How do you handle authentication in Locust scripts?

In Locust scripts, you can handle authentication by putting authentication tokens or passwords in the HTTP heads of your requests.

What is the purpose of the wait_time attribute in Locust?

In Locust, the wait_time attribute tells you how long it should be between requests made by the same person. By adding random wait times, it helps model how people would act in real life.

How can you perform POST requests in Locust?

In Locust, you can make POST requests by calling the method and giving it the right arguments, payload, and headers.

What is JMeter and how is it used for load testing?

An open-source Java-based tool called Apache JMeter is used to test and measure the performance of apps under a lot of load. By sending requests to a target server, it acts like multiple users and checks how well the server and application work when they are under different loads.

What are the main components of a JMeter Test Plan?

The main components of a JMeter Test Plan include Thread Groups, Samplers (HTTP Request, JDBC Request, etc.), Listeners (View Results Tree, Summary Report, etc.), Config Elements (HTTP Header Manager, CSV Data Set Config), and Assertions.

How do you parameterize a JMeter Test Plan?

Variables and CSV files can be used to set parameters in JMeter. The method for setting variables is ${variable_name}, and you can read values from a CSV file and pass them as parameters with CSV Data Set Config.

What is the purpose of assertions in JMeter?

In JMeter, assertions are used to check that server replies are correct. They help make sure that the server answer meets the requirements, like having the right text, response code, or response time.

How can you distribute load testing in JMeter?

Remote testing in JMeter can be used to spread load testing. You can handle multiple JMeter instances (slaves) from a single JMeter instance (master) with the master-slave configuration. This spreads the work across multiple machines.

What is a Transaction Controller in JMeter?

In JMeter, a Transaction Controller is used to check how fast a group of samplers respond. It lets you combine several calls into a single transaction, which makes it easier to see how well certain features or user actions work.

Locust And Jmeter Interview Questions And Answers Pdf

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Final Words

So, in this article we have seen most asked Locust And Jmeter Interview Questions And Answers and Now you know the most common Locust and Jmeter interview questions and how to answer them.


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