17 Essential Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers (Updated 2024)

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Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers

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What is manual testing?

Manual testing is the process of testing software manually, without the use of any automated tools or scripts. It involves a human tester manually executing test cases and documenting the results.

What is the difference between manual testing and automated testing?

Manual testing is done manually by a human tester, while automated testing uses tools or scripts to perform the testing. Automated testing is usually faster and more efficient, but manual testing allows for more flexibility and human intuition.

Why is manual testing important?

Manual testing is important because it can find bugs and issues that automated testing may not be able to detect. It can also provide a more thorough testing of the software by a human tester who can use their intuition and experience to identify potential problems.

What are the different types of manual testing?

There are several different types of manual testing, including functional testing, usability testing, compatibility testing, regression testing, and acceptance testing.

What are the steps in the software testing process?

The software testing process typically includes the following steps: planning, analysis, design, execution, and reporting.

What is the difference between functional testing and non-functional testing?

Functional testing is the process of testing the software’s functionality, while non-functional testing is the process of testing the software’s performance, security, and other non-functional aspects.

What is regression testing?

Regression testing is the process of retesting the software after making changes to ensure that the changes did not introduce new bugs or issues.

What is acceptance testing?

Acceptance testing is the process of testing the software to ensure that it meets the requirements and is acceptable to the customer.

What is compatibility testing?

Compatibility testing is the process of testing the software to ensure that it is compatible with different platforms, operating systems, browsers, and devices.

What is usability testing?

Usability testing is the process of testing the software to ensure that it is easy to use and understand for the end user.

What is exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing is an ad-hoc testing method where the tester actively explores the software to find defects.

What is sanity testing?

Sanity testing is a type of testing performed after a small change or modification in the build to ensure the change does not break the basic functionality of the application.

What is smoke testing?

Smoke testing is a type of testing that is performed to ensure that the basic functionality of the software works as expected.

What is black-box testing and white-box testing?

Black-box testing is the process of testing the software’s functionality without knowledge of the internal structure or design. White-box testing is the process of testing the software’s internal structure and design.

What is the difference between verification and validation?

Verification is the process of ensuring that the software meets the specifications and requirements, while validation is the process of ensuring that the software is fit for its intended purpose.

What is the difference between bug and defect?

A bug is an error or problem in the software, while a defect is a deviation from the specified requirements.

Also, check our Software Testing QuestionHub

What is a test case?

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether an application, software system or one of its features is working as it was originally established for it to do.


Avinash is the Founder of Software Testing Sapiens. He is a blogger and Software Tester who has been helping people to get thier Jobs over a years Now.

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